• Promotions


    Browse some of our promotional projects below

Promoting your Website

Great design and great content will get your site noticed and pull together an active community of both current and potential customers – but the process takes time, and eventually plateaus. When you want a real punch in your site numbers, one of the most effective tactics is an exciting, eyeball-attracting promotion, such as a contest or giveaway.


Promotions have some great advantages:

  • They inject excitement into your existing community of followers, friends, and customers.
  • They attract publicity and get your company name out in a fresh way – often to sites and communities you otherwise have no penetration into.
  • They build up positive connotations between your customers and your business.

Types of Promotions

Promotions can come in a wide variety of forms, including

  • Giveaways: Promotions involving a prize (such as an iPad or a vacation package) based on signing up for a service or other web form drive a lot of engagement and can be hugely successful in gathering customer data for mailing lists, analytics, and marketing studies.
  • Contests: Contests stir up involvement from your customer base and community and increase a sense of community. When centred on branding and other marketing assets, a contest can also spread your business’s visuals to areas of the Internet they haven’t penetrated before.
  • Coupons and Sales: Offer short-term discounts can drive traffic and interest, and can be effective towards the end of fiscal cycles to bring up sales volume.

Managing promotions requires creativity, market awareness, and, most importantly, time. Nothing backfires worse than a promotion that gets abandoned by its creator. We’ve got the expertise and skill set to not only create dynamic promotions that attract attention and drive engagement, but to manage those promotions from conception all the way to delivery.

Gallery images of promotional projects

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